Alumier MD Treatments Peels

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AlumierMD peel treatments are the next generation of clinical exfoliation. With a variety of peels, each with a unique complex of ingredients, your AlumierMD professional can customize your program of treatments to target your specific skin concerns whether it be ageing, pigmentation or acne. This unique experience includes an exfoliating peel treatment, brightening enhancement followed by prescriptive target serums to reveal a more radiant, soft and luminous skin.


Alumier MD Deep moisturizing treatment
AlumierMD Enzyme Treatment
AlumierMD refining clay treatment


Vitamin A Boost
Detox Clear
Radiant 20/10
Radiant 30
Glow Peel 45 - 60mins
AlumierMD Express Facial
AlumierMD Luxury Facial

t or contact us to discuss your treatment requirements on 01254 831111.